Color measurement knowledge - color measurement pr
Portable Spectrophotometer is an instrument for producing or recording a spectrum and measuring the photometric intensity of each wavelength present, esp such an instrument used for infrared, visible, and ultraviolet radiation. Color is a p...【Click Details】
YS3060 Concave Grating Automotive Paint Spectropho
YS3060 grating spectrophotometer features UV SCI/SCE USB / bluetooth 8mm / 4mm switch aperture etc. It has high accuracy 0.03 ba<x>sed on white calibration plate measured 30 times at 5 seconds intervals after white calibration was performed...【Click Details】
Economical Plastic Spectrophotometer YS3010
YS3010 handheld spectrophotometer features only 8mm single aperture. Both SCI and SCE mode makes it widely use in many applications. High accuracy let 3nh spectrophotometer better suitable for color matching system for better color measureme...【Click Details】
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