- emai:y@3nh.com
- add:F/6, Block 5B, Skyworth Inno Valley, Tangtou 1st Road, Shiyan, Baoan District, Shenzhen, P.R. China.
NHG60M Small Aperture Single Angle Precise Smart Gloss Meter
- NHG60M micro aperture gloss meter adopts small aperture 2*4mm with 60 angle manufactured according to ISO2813 and GB/T 9754. It is also compatible with the standards of ASTM D523 ASTM D2457. NHG60 conforms to JJG696 first class gloss me
Product details
NHG60M micro aperture gloss meter adopts small aperture 2*4mm, with 60° angle, manufactured according to ISO2813 and GB/T 9754. It is also compatible with the standards of ASTM D523, ASTM D2457. NHG60 conforms to JJG696 first class gloss meter working requirement, corresponding with CIE 1931(2°) under CIE C light source.

Main Features
1. Small aperture: 2*4mm
2. 60° angle for semi gloss
3. Display 5 sets of measurement data, good for comparison
4. Measuring mode: basic measurement, statistical measurement, continuous measurement, QC measurement (only for GQC6 software).
5. Continuous mode to check uniformity over large areas
6. Connect to PC, more extend functions
7. Input gloss value manually
8. Large touch screen operation, easy to use
9. Beauty appearance, good man-machine communication interface
10. Powerful functions to meet many different requirements
11. Large storage to save over 5000 data
12. Built-in lithium ion rechargeable battery.

NHG60M can be used in
NHG60M gloss meter can test material with gloss (0-1000Gu), and universally apply to paint, ink, marble, varnish, coating, wood products; marble, granite, vitrified polished tile, pottery brick and porcelain; plastic, paper; hardware industries, etc. for gloss measurement and gloss data transmission.

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